Sarah McKenzie


Phone: 0427 052 602

I’m Sarah and I’m a proud unionist, feminist and neighbour. I grew up in Alphington and I live in Clifton Hill. During the week I work as a researcher at an independent think tank and, on the weekends, I can be found in the Yarra Bend Park.

I’m running for council because I care about this community. Yarra is my home.

Our neighbourhood, like many others, is changing, and facing big challenges along the way. As we move towards a net zero future, tackle a housing crisis, and rising costs of living, we need local representatives who will fight for our entire community and who make sure nobody is left behind.

We need a council that truly represents our community. Councillors who we see, who listen to us, and who act in the best interests of our community. If elected, I will be that councillor – guided by those I represent. I will fight for stronger council services that bring our community together, and ensure we do our bit to tackle the housing crisis. That means approving more social housing proposals and making council land available for it. It means working with other levels of government to plan for affordable, quality housing for renters and homebuyers. That means doing what we can to help instead of deliberately getting in the way

I will work with our community to find fair and workable solutions to the challenges we face, not sow seeds of division between generations and neighbours.

I will be a councillor who puts the people of Yarra at the centre of every decision and who brings labor values back to the town hall. Values of social justice, fairness, equality and community participation in decision-making.

I am asking for your support to represent Clifton Hill, Alphington and Fairfield on Yarra City Council.  I am asking for your vote at the 26 October 2024 election.

I know that together we can build a better council.

Together we can build a better Yarra.

Victorian Labor meets, works and campaigns on the traditional lands of the First Peoples of Victoria. We pay respects to Elders past, present and emerging – and acknowledge the important role all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people continue to play within our country and our Party.